The talks I’ve made along the years.
- 2025-03-28 - Java 9 to 21: How to code like a pro - O’Reilly Training - Online
- 2025-03-19 - The optimistic grumpy Java developer - JavaOne - Redwood, USA
- 2025-02-28 - Penser comme un bon architecte - Confoo - Montréal, Canada
- 2025-02-27 - Tout ce qui est intéressant en Java 21 - Confoo - Montréal, Canada
- 2024-07-12 - Java 9 to 21: How to code like a pro - O’Reilly Training - Online
- 2024-05-10 - Java 9 to 21: How to code like a pro - O’Reilly Training - Online
- 2024-03-19 - Java 9 to 21: How to code like a pro - O’Reilly Training - Online
- 2024-02-23 - L’histoire de la programmation parallèle en Java - Confoo - Montréal, Canada
- 2024-02-21 - Java 21: La version que vous devriez utiliser (LTS) - Confoo - Montréal, Canada
- 2024-01-16 - Java 9 to 21: How to code like a pro - O’Reilly Training - Online
- 2023-09-26 - Java 9 to 21: How to code like a pro - O’Reilly Training - Online
- 2023-09-25 - A brief history of programming languages…and Java 21 - - Dawscon - Montréal, Canada
- 2023-09-11 - Soirée Java 21 - Montréal JUG - Montréal, Canada
- 2023-06-11 - Java 9 to 17: The New Feature Benefits - O’Reilly Training - Online
- 2023-05-03 - After Java 8: The cool stuff - jconftoronto - Toronto, Canada
- 2023-04-11 - Java 9 to 17: The New Feature Benefits - O’Reilly Training - Online
- 2023-03-24 - After Java 8: The cool stuff - Dawscon - Montréal, Canada
- 2023-02-22 - After Java 8: The cool stuff - Confoo - Montréal, Canada
- 2023-01-23 - Beyond Java 8: The cool stuff - jChampions Conference - Online
- 2022-12-09 - Java 9 to 17: The New Feature Benefits - O’Reilly Training - Online
- 2022-10-20 - Beyond Java 8: The Cool Stuff - JavaOne - Las Vegas, USA
- 2022-10-14 - Java 9 to 17: The New Feature Benefits - O’Reilly Training - Online
- 2022-08-26 - Java 9 to 17: The New Feature Benefits - O’Reilly Training - Online
- 2022-06-03 - Java 9 to 17: The New Feature Benefits - O’Reilly Training - Online
- 2022-04-07 - Java 9 to 17: The New Feature Benefits - O’Reilly Training - Online
- 2022-10-06 - Working in IT: My 2 cents - Dawson College
- 2022-02-23 - Refactoring: L’essentiel - Confoo - Montréal, Canada
- 2022-02-11 - Java 9 to 17: The New Feature Benefits - O’Reilly Training - Online
- 2021-12-03 - Java 9 to 17: The New Feature Benefits - O’Reilly Training - Online
- 2021-10-01 - Java 9 to 17: The New Feature Benefits - O’Reilly Training - Online
- 2021-07-08 - Java 9 to 17: The New Feature Benefits - O’Reilly Training - Online
- 2021-04-07 - Hors du cadre - COMAQ Accent TI - Online
- 2021-03-18 - Discovering Modern Java - O’Reilly Training - Online
- 2021-02-24 - Chu tanné du multi-fil. Ça marche pas! J’haïe Java! - Confoo - Online
- 2021-01-15 - This stupid multi-threaded code isn’t working. I hate Java! - Dawscon - Online
- 2021-01-14 - Refactor Together - jChampions Conference - Online
- 2020-12-17 - Discovering Modern Java - O’Reilly Training - Online
- 2020-10-06 - Discovering Modern Java - O’Reilly Training - Online
- 2020-08-13 - Discovering Modern Java - O’Reilly Training - Online
- 2020-06-04 - Discovering Modern Java - O’Reilly Training - Online
- 2020-03-18 - Discovering Modern Java - O’Reilly Training - Online
- 2020-02-27 - L’histoire de la programmation parallèle - Confoo - Montréal, Canada
- 2020-02-20 - Discover Modern Java - DevNexus - Atlanta, USA
- 2020-01-08 - Discovering Modern Java - O’Reilly Training - Online
- 2020-01-10 - This stupid multi-thread code isn’t working. I hate Java! - Dawscon - Montréal, Canada
- 2019-11-05 - Discovering Modern Java - O’Reilly Training - Online
- 2019-08-02 - Discovering Modern Java - O’Reilly Training - Online
- 2019-07-15 - Unconference - JCrete - Crete, Greece
- 2019-05-30 - Comprendre la visibilité des données en Java - Montréal JUG - Montréal, Canada
- 2019-04-02 - Discovering Modern Java - O’Reilly Training - Online
- 2019-03-15 - Java 9: Les modules, comment ça marche? - Confoo - Montréal, Canada
- 2019-03-13 - Java 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12: Qu’avez-vous manqué? - Confoo - Montréal, Canada
- 2019-03-01 - Discovering Modern Java - O’Reilly Training - Online
- 2019-01-16 - Discovering Modern Java - O’Reilly Training - Online
- 2019-01-11 - Java 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12: The useful tricks you missed - Dawscon - Montréal, Canada
- 2018-10-23 - Caching still matters - Oracle Code One - San Francisco, USA
- 2018-10-23 - Java 5,6,7,8,9,10,11: What did you miss? - Oracle Code One - San Francisco, USA
- 2018-08-04 - Learn Java 8: Lambdas and Functional Programming - LAOUC - Sao Paulo, Brazil
- 2018-08-04 - Be pragmatic - LAOUC - Santiago, Chile
- 2018-08-02 - Learn Java 8: Lambdas and Functional Programming - LAOUC - Sao Paulo, Brazil
- 2018-08-02 - Be pragmatic - LAOUC - Santiago, Chile
- 2018-07-23 - Unconference - JCrete - Crete, Greece
- 2018-06-21 - Learn Java 8: Lambdas and Functional Programming - Oracle Code Brasil - Sao Paulo, Brasil
- 2018-03-08 - Être pragmatique - Confoo - Montréal, Canada
- 2018-03-07 - Daddy, I want to deploy in the cloud - Confoo - Montréal, Canada
- 2018-02-23 - Learn Java 8: Lambdas and Functional Programming - DevNexus - Atlanta, USA
- 2018-01-12 - Be pragmatic - NetBeans Day - Montréal, Canada
- 2017-10-28 - Do you know your mocks? - Madras JUG - Chennai, India
- 2017-10-01 - Be pragmatic - JavaOne - San Francisco, USA
- 2017-07-17 - Unconference - JCrete - Crete, Greece
- 2017-02-24 - Lambdas and generics survival guide - DevNexus - Atlanta, USA
- 2017-02-11 - Generics and lambdas from the group up - Bangalore Distributed System’s Meetup - Bangalore, India
- 2016-09-19 - Learn Java 8: Lambdas and Functional Programming - JavaOne - San Francisco, USA
- 2016-05-03 - Java 8, lambdas, generics: How to survive? - NYC Java Meetup Group - New York, USA
- 2016-02-25 - Java 8, génériques et lambda: Comment s’en sortir? - Confoo - Montréal, Canada
- 2016-02-24 - Université de le performance: Initiation aux tests de charge - Confoo - Montréal, Canada
- 2015-12-10 - Lambda du sol au plafond (with Rémy Forax) - Montréal JUG - Montréal, Canada
- 2015-02-12 - Les lambdas sont là! Mais êtes-vous sûr d’avoir compris les génériques? - Montréal JUG - Montréal, Canada
- 2014-07-18 - Réactif, parallèle, asynchrone. Pourquoi? - Unexpected Source of Inspiration - Paris, France
- 2014-05-21 - Vivre en parallèle - BreizhCamp - Rennes, France
- 2014-04-16 - Université de le performance (with Mikaël Robert, Marc Bojoly and Ludovic Piot) - Devoxx France - Paris, France
- 2014-04-17 - Microbenchmarking with JMH - Devoxx France - Paris, France
- 2013-04-22 - Performances perpétuelles - Devopsdays Paris - Paris, France
- 2013-10-25 - Vivre en parallèle - SoftShake - Genève, Suisse
- 2013-10-17 - Les lambdas arrivent! En attendant, êtes-vous sûr d’avoir compris les génériques? - Bordeaux JUG - Bordeaux, France
- 2013-07-01 - Performances perpétuelles (with Mikaël Robert) - Unexpected Source of Inspiration - Paris, France
- 2013-05-21 - Performance for the dummies: Introduction aux tests de charge (with Marc Bojoly) - PerfUG - Paris, France
- 2013-05-16 - Vivre en parallèle - Lausanne JUG - Lausanne, Suisse
- 2013-03-27 - Les lambdas arrivent! En attendant, êtes-vous sûr d’avoir compris les génériques? - Devoxx France - Paris, France
- 2013-06-13 - Performance tests for the dummies - BreizhCamp - Rennes, France
- 2013-06-13 - Industrialisons EasyMock - BreizhCamp - Rennes, France
- 2012-10-03 - Finding and Solving Java Deadlocks (with Heinz Kabutz and friends) - JavaOne - San Francisco, USA
- 2011-10-12 - Under the hood of generics - - Paris, France
- 2011-02-15 - Session dédiée à l’analyse de la qualité du code Java (with many others) - Lausanne JUG - Lausanne, Suisse