Out of SourceForge, all in Bintray

Now that Objenesis is in Bintray. The goal was to also have EasyMock binaries at the same place. They were hosted on SourceForge. And as you might have read, SourceForge is now on the dark side so going out of there was becoming a priority.

This time it was easier. I basically made a list of versions and release dates.

And then I made a loop around the lines to the

  • wget to get the binary and store it keeping the SourceForge structure
  • curl to create the version in Bintray
  • curl to upload the binary
I've manually added the release notes in GitHub but wasn't able to figure out how to push them to Bintray. If someone knows, please tell me.

To be helpful, here is the loop that I used to create the versions.


# This is because I want the file upside down to create the older versions first
tail -r $1 > tmp.tsv

while read p; do
version=$(echo "$p" | cut -d' ' -f1)
date=$(echo "$p" | cut -d' ' -f2)

version=${version// /-}

echo $version $date

content="{ \"name\": \"$version\", \"desc\": \"$version\", \"released\": \"${date}T00:00:00.000Z\", \"github_use_tag_release_notes\": false, \"vcs_tag\": \"$version\" }"
echo "$content"

curl -v -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-GPG-PASSPHRASE: ${PASSPHRASE}" -uhenri-tremblay:${API_KEY} \
-d "$content" \

done <tmp.tsv