Finish migrating Objenesis to GitHub

With Codehaus and Google Code closing, I’m happily required to migrate Objenesis and EasyMock.

Both projects have an hybrid hosting using different platforms. I’ve decided to start with Objenesis which is easier to migrate. I’ll describe the process in this post. Hopefully, it will be helpful to someone but, in fact, I’m also looking forward to your feedback to see if I can improve my final setup.

So, Objenesis source code was originally on Google Code. I’ve moved it to GitHub some years ago mainly because pull requests are awesome. The website is also a GitHub page. Part of the documentation is on Google Code wiki, the binaries are on Google Code as well as the issue tracker.

Google being nice folks, they used to provide a nice way (, now down) to migrate everything to GitHub. But I couldn’t use that because

So here’s what I did instead.

Issue tracker

The issue tracker was migrated using the IssueExporterTool. It worked perfectly (but is a bit slow as advertised).

Wiki pages

At first, I tried to export the entire Objenesis project to Github to be able to retrieve the wiki pages and then move them to the real source code. The result was quite bad because the tables are not rendered correctly. So I ended up manually migrating each page to markdown. There was only 3 pages so it wasn’t too bad.


This was more complicated. Maven binaries are already deployed through the Sonatype Nexus. But I needed to migrate the standalone bundles. I’ve looked into three options:

GitHub releases are created automatically when you tag in git. But you also seem to be able to add some release notes and binaries over that. I didn’t want to dig too much into it. I knew I wanted to be in Bintray in the end. And I wanted easy automation. Bintray was easy to use so I went for Bintray only. Be aware, the way I did the migration is low-tech (but works).

  1. Make a list of all the binaries to migrate
    • Get them with wget
  2. Create an organisation, a distribution repository and an [objenesis package])( in Bintray
  3. Add my GPG key to my Bintray account
  4. Upload everything using REST (curl -T -H "X-GPG-PASSPHRASE: ${PASSPHRASE}" -uhenri-tremblay:${API_KEY}

It works, the only drawback is that no release notes are provided. They’ve always been on the website

Project moved

Finally, I’ve set the “Project Moved” flag to target GitHub. This quite aggressively redirects you to GitHub if you try to access